As a member of the club you can enjoy:
- Friendly, social tennis
- Competitive tennis in a local league
- A year-round Sunday morning club session and 2 evening club sessions between April and October
- Booking the courts for free at other times
- Low membership fees (from just £25/year!)
- A chance to win Wimbledon Tickets
- Preferential coaching rates
- No “playing in” tests
- Wearing what you like!
New Membership Offer
Not played before or skills feeling a little rusty? We’re offering 10 free lessons for all new members who join before 8th May. Details to be posted shortly.
If you join after any of those dates you’ll receive the number of free lessons remaining. If the 10wk course has finished the new member would not be eligible for any further free lessons.
Please advise Steve if you are intending to attend a session so he can plan drills accordingly.
Tel: 07967188057
Choose your Membership
There are five levels of membership to choose from.
Juniors from 3-13.
Students aged 14-21 at the time of application, in full-time education.
All guests playing with a member are subject to a fee. This equates to £5 per guest for the duration of their play or £5/Hour/Court, whichever is cheaper.